About Us

Our Mission

Creating Possibilities. Achieving Dreams.

Our mission at KAC is to create opportunities for the personal growth and success of persons with special needs. KAC does this by removing barriers, changing perceptions and building confidence.

View our 2022 Annual Report.

View our 2023 Annual Report.


Our People

Meet our strong leadership team, dedicated to the KAC mission and sustaining a vision for the organization’s future.

Our volunteer board of directors provides leadership and valuable insights to help guide the organization. Members include consumer advocates, business and civic leaders from the community. Board members serve a three year term, and can serve three consecutive terms. Officers serve two year terms.

Executive Management
<p class=Christine Weyker


Chief Executive Officer

Christine Weyker

<p class=Jonathan Cushman


Chief Financial Officer

Jonathan Cushman

<p class=Morgan Hyatt


Director of Operations

Morgan Hyatt

<p class=Kristie Matteau


Director of HR & Foundation Relations

Kristie Matteau



Roberta Jorgensen Puntillo

Godin Geraghty Puntillo Camilli, SC


Vice President

Andy Pitts

Pitts Brothers & Associates LLC

Appraiser, Agent


Brock Portilia


Director of Finance & Administation


Adam Landgraf




Erin Anderson

Riley Construction

Chief Operating Officer

Kevin Deaton

Gateway Mortgage


Fausto Fioravanti

Avanti Brothers


Immari Hysaw


Sr. Inventory Control Manager

Justin Mathews

Upload Partners

Managing Partner

Rebecca Matoska-Mentink

Kenosha County

Clerk of Courts

Sean Ryan


Product Manager

Jenny Schmidt


Director of Special Education & Student Support

Gregg Sinnen

Retired Firefighter

Todd Terry

Terry & Nudo, LLC


Adult Services

Brandy Jadczak

Adult Program Manager

Gary Eckstein

Vocational Outreach Manager

Business & Food Services

Morgan Hyatt

Director of Operations

Children Services

Jill Sorensen

Early Head Start Manager

Suzi Wolf

Early Intervention Program Manager

Erin Mendoza

SPROUTS Playgroup Coordinator

Donor & Media Services

Crysta Schlitz

Fundraising Manager

Transportation Services

Desiree Taylor

Transportation Manager


GuideStar is the world’s largest source of information on nonprofit organizations. KAC was awarded the Gold Seal of Transparency.

Rehabilitation for Wisconsin represents its members; community rehabilitation programs, and other organizations that provide center-based and supported employment, job training, day habilitation, residential, early intervention, care management, and other services. Collectively, members provide services to more than 75,000 people with disabilities and economic disadvantages and employ more than 10,000 direct support and other professionals throughout Wisconsin.

In existence since 1987, Rest Area Maintenance program goals are:

To Provide the Best Maintained Roadside Facilities in the Nation, To Provide Maximum Employment Opportunities to Citizens with Disabilities. The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) acts as the program administrator, contracting with Rehabilitation for Wisconsin, Inc. (RFW) and Community Rehabilitation Programs to provide the custodial care and landscape maintenance services at these roadside sites. KAC is a participating RAM program member, providing rest area janitorial services and employment for persons with special needs.

The Wisconsin Head Start Association (WHSA) is a private not-for-profit membership organization representing over 16,000 young children and their families and over 4,000 staff composing the 62 Head Start and Early Head Start programs. WHSA provides a network for information, training, advocacy, support, and action for directors, parents, and staff of Head Start & Early Head Start programs in Wisconsin.

The Wisconsin Disability Benefits Network (WDBN) is a professional network of benefits specialists sharing information on disability benefits to a broad range of audiences. KAC is an active member.

The Kenosha Area Business Alliance is Kenosha County’s economic development organization and employers association. With nearly 400 members, KABA represents a diverse group of companies and individuals interested in the economic development of the Kenosha County area. KAC participates as a non-profit member.

The Kenosha Area Chamber of Commerce is committed to promoting, supporting, and acting as a resource so all businesses and organizations can succeed in a continually changing economic environment. KAC holds a civic membership as a charitable service organization.

This website is supported by Grant Number 05CH011460 from the Office of Head Start within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of KAC and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Head Start.

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